Semarang, Tuesday, 14/11/2023 – The Master of Community Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, received a visit from the Postgraduate Program team of Sam Ratulangi University. Despite the limited nature of this visit, strict health protocols were still adhered to. The purpose of this activity is not only to strengthen ties but also to share knowledge between both parties. The visiting team from the Postgraduate Program of Sam Ratulangi University included Dr. Viktor P.K. Lengkong, SE., M.Si, and several faculty members.
The event began with a welcome address from the Chair of the Master of Community Health Program at FKM Undip, Dr. Dra. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes. Greetings and responses were then given by Dr. Viktor P.K. Lengkong, SE., M.Si, representing the Postgraduate Program of Sam Ratulangi University. “We express our gratitude to MKM FKM Undip for kindly accepting our visit, and we hope to exchange ideas, especially input regarding the improvement of the curriculum of the study program.” The event was then opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health Undip, Dr. Budiyono, S.KM., M.Kes. He expressed great pleasure in receiving the visit from the Postgraduate Program team of Sam Ratulangi University.
The next part of the event involved a presentation related to the curriculum management of the MKM program at FKM Undip by Dr. Dra. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes, followed by a presentation on the curriculum management at the Postgraduate Program of Sam Ratulangi University. Subsequently, a discussion session between the two parties took place regarding the management of the study program curriculum. Dr. Ayun Sriatmi, as the head of the MKM program at FKM Undip, acknowledged that there is significant potential for beneficial collaboration between the two parties.
The meeting concluded with the exchange of souvenirs from the Postgraduate Program of Sam Ratulangi University and a group photo session with all the meeting participants.