Master of Public Health Profile





Study Programme Name
Faculty of Public Health
Diponegoro University
Faculty of Public Health Diponegoro University, Building D 2nd Floor, Jalan Professor Soedarto SH, Tembalang. Semarang City, Indonesia.
Phone (fax)
Phone cell
+62 24 7460044
University Website
Faculty Website
Study Programme Website

1.Establishment of study programme: 26 April 1999.
Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number: 182/DIKTI/Kep/1999 Dated 26 April 1999.
a.Accreditation “A” for 7 standards from LAM PT Kes with SK. No 0157/LAM-
b.”Superior” or “A” accreditation for 9 standards from LAM PT Kes with Decree No.0171/LAM- PTKes/Akr/Mag/IV/2020 dated 25 April 2020
3.Graduate Degree: M.KM (Master of Public Health)
4.Equivalence in KKNI: Level 8 KKNI (Indonesian National Qualification Framework)
5.Duration of study: 1.5 years to 2 years (maximum study period of 8 semesters).
6.Every student who passes the study, except will get a diploma and transcript of values as well as SKPI (Certificate of Diploma Companion) according to the concentration followed during the lecture.
7.Graduate Profile: Leader, Manager, Educator, Researcher and Consultant (in the field of Administration / Management and Health Policy / Administration or hospital management / SIMKES / MCH / GKM according to the five concentrations in MIKM
8. Graduate Competencies:
The preparation of graduate competencies has been adjusted to the graduate profile. Competency formulation pays attention to Level 8 KKNI competency standards (Indonesian National Competency Framework), formulation of Master of Public Health education competencies from AIPTKMI (Association of Indonesian Public Health Education Institutions).
9. Concentration / Specialisation:
a. Health Administration and Policy (HPA)
b. Hospital Administration (ARS)
c. Health Management Information System (SIMKES)
d. Maternal and Child Health (MCH) e Community Health Nutrition (GKM)
Each concentration/ specialisation will be opened when there are at least 6 students.
10. Learning methods and assessment of MHM study programme:
a. Learning methods: lectures in class followed by questions and answers, reading assignments (assignments to read the subject matter of lectures and present in class), collecting data in the community / health organisations and presenting in class, case studies from lecturers and done in groups and then discussed, critical review of scientific journals, screening films and discussing them, practice of certain methods (for example conducting in-depth interviews and focused group discussions), practicum in a computer laboratory and field work practice in hospitals.
For Regular Classes, lectures take place on Thursdays and Fridays for 16 face- to-face meetings in one semester.
In addition to regular classes, there is also the possibility of co-operation classes, which take place from Monday to Thursday afternoons.
b. Assessment methods: several learning methods are also assessed, mid-semester exams, various individual / group assignments and end-of-semester exams. Exam percentage weight: 40% and assignments: 60%.
11. Other facilities support for students:
Lecture room facilities and their equipment, free wifi, libraries (FKM and UNDIP), computer laboratories, field laboratories (in collaboration with the Health Office, hospitals and puskesmas), Foreign Language Training Centre (SEU UNDIP), UNDIP International Office, UNDIP Integrated Laboratory, twelve types of UKM (student activity units) FKM and UNDIP UKM, sports facilities at FKM and UNDIP (indoor and outdoor / UNDIP stadium), vehicle parking, place of worship facilities, canteen, Budioro Brotosaputro Hall, Prof. Soedarto SH conference hall, UNDIP polyclinic and Diponegoro National Hospital. Soedarto SH, UNDIP student dormitory (Rusunawa), UNDIP polyclinic and Diponegoro National Hospital (RSND).
12. Admissions requirement policy:
Selection of new student candidates is carried out once a year in two batches at the beginning of the year. Entrance selection is carried out jointly with other master programmes at UNDIP under the coordination of LP2MP UNDIP. Wave I Registration around the beginning of February to the end of March Wave I Entrance Selection Test around the beginning of April Wave II Registration around mid-April to June Wave II entrance selection test around early July Jenistest is TPA (academic potential test), English language, specialised material(written) and interview. Lectures begin in August.
13. Education Costs:
Until 2022 the tuition fees paid to Diponegoro University are: first semester around Rp.18,000,000, second semester and so on each semester Rp.10,000,000.This fee excludes matriculation fees, outbound fees, field work practice fees (for ARS concentration students), field trip fees, thesis research fees, living expenses, transportation costs, book fees, photo copy fees, and internet f e e s .
14. Management of the Master of Public Health Study Programme:
1999 – 2014: Academically, the Master of Public Health Science Study Programme is under FKM UNDIP but in general administration and finance under the coordination of the UNDIP Postgraduate Programme.
Lectures in that period were held at the UNDIP Postgraduate Building on the Undip campus in Pleburan.
2007 to 2015: administrative and financial management of Prodi followed UNDIP BLU regulations
In 2015 until now, along with the determination of UNDIP’s status as a PTN BH, the management of S2 and S3 study programmes was revamped where the inline scientific study programmes were under the authority of their respective faculties. The Postgraduate School then manages and coordinates cross-field / cross-faculty science.
To facilitate, smooth and strengthen the management of the MIKM Study Programme, since the beginning of 2018, part of the office and lecture activities have been moved inside the buildings at the Faculty of Public Health on the UNDIP campus in the Tembalang area. Around the end of 2019, all lectures and office activities of the Master of Public Health (MKM) Study Programme were located in the FKM UNDIP Building along with the S1 Public Health Study Programme, S2 Health Promotion, S2 Environmental Health and S3 Public Health (DIKM). The number of MHM Study Program alumni until mid-2022 is around 1,200 alumni who are working in the Health Office (provincial, district / city), Ministry of Health, hospitals (government and private), health centres, BPJS Health, other health facilities, non-governmental organisations, local parliaments, higher health education institutions (public and private) and other institutions. The number of permanent lecturers (from FKM UNDIP and other faculties within UNDIP) is around 35 people and supported by around 15 non-permanent lecturers from other institutions outside UNDIP. All lecturers hold Doctoral degrees (S3) or Professor Doctor.Lectures are also supported by expert guest lecturers with doctoral degrees or doctoral professors from within and outside the country.The MHM Study Programme alumni and other UNDIP alumni who work as practitioners are also involved in teaching and sharing experiences in the ‘Alumni Teaching’ activity. Both Expert Guest Lectures and Alumni Teaching are scheduled almost every Saturday of the semester.
15.Manager of the Master of Public Health programme:
1.Head of Prodi : dr. Sudiro. MPH.Dr.PH (1999 – 2004)
Secretary : dr Dharminto, MKes & Dra Chriswardani Suryawati. MKes.
2.Head of Prodi : dr. Sudiro. MPH.Dr.PH (2005 – 2008)
Secretary : Dra. Atik Mawarni, MKes & Dra. Chriswardani Suryawati. Mkes.
3.Head of Prodi: dr. Martha I Kartasurya, MSc. PhD (2009 – 2012) Secretary : Dra. Atik Mawarni, Mkes.
4.Head of Prodi :Dr dr Sutopo Patriajati, MM, MKes (2013 – 2017) Secretary : Dr.dr. Sri Achadi Nugraheni, MKes
5.Head of Prodi :DrDra.Chriswardani Suryawati, MKes (2017 – 2022) Secretary : Farid Agushybana, SKM, DEA, Ph.D.
As one of the study programmes under the Faculty of Public Health, the management of the Master of Public Health Study Programme cannot be separated from the authority, responsibility, facilitation, coordination and support of the leadership and all lecturers and education staff at the Faculty of Public Health. The management of the Study Programme is also supported by several reliable education staff who manage both academic affairs and general and financial administration.
The number and type of education personnel are considered adequate even though the number has been reduced due to work efficiency policies.
1999 – 2013: Triana Sari, AMd, Mungkasi Febru M, SE, Yuni Astuti, SE, Ita Dwi Muryani, SE, Slamet Riyadi. Agus Istanto, S.Kom, Zulfaiyah, S.Sos and Basari. Year 2013 – 2018: Triana Sari, AMd, Slamet Riyadi, SSos. Yuni Astuti, SE, and Basari.
Year 2018 – 2019 : Triana Sari, Amd, Slamet Riyadi, SSos, Yus Sudarto, SSi. MSi, Nani S, SH and Basari.
Year 2020 – 2022: Slamet Riyadi, SSos and Vina Snada, SKM and supported by cooperation with 4 other S2 and S3 education staff who are facilitated in communication and coordination because they all work in one room.