SEMARANG – Saturday, March 27, 2021 – The Master of Public Health Program at the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University (FKM Undip), in collaboration with the Indonesia Health Economic Association (Ina HEA), organized a Weekend Webinar on the topic “Managerial Accounting: A Balancing Tool for the Trilogy of Access, Quality, and Cost in Hospital Management.” The webinar was conducted virtually via Zoom and was attended by approximately 350 participants, including students and faculty members from both FKM Undip and other institutions.
The event began with an opening speech by Dr. Budiyono, SKM., M.Kes, the Dean of FKM Undip, who expressed his gratitude and warm welcome to the speakers for their willingness to share their expertise. He also hoped that the collaboration between the Master of Public Health Program at FKM Undip and Ina HEA would continue in the long term, leading to more academic activities. Additionally, he wished that the insights shared by the speakers would be beneficial to all webinar participants.
This webinar featured distinguished speakers, including:
- Drs. Johny Setyawan, MBA., Accountant (Lecturer in the Hospital Management Concentration, Master of Public Health Program, FK-KMK UGM);
- Dani Indrawan, SE (Director of Finance and SIR – MMC Hospital, Jakarta);
- Yulis Quarti, SE, Akt., M.Si (Director of Finance, Dr. Kariadi General Hospital, Semarang).
The session was moderated by Dr. Dra. Chriswardani Suryawati, M.Kes, Head of the Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University.
The first presentation was delivered by Drs. Johny Setyawan, MBA., Accountant, who discussed the concept of hospital managerial accounting, its benefits, and its development. He also emphasized the importance of applying a hospital managerial accounting system template using Microsoft Excel.
The second session, presented by Dani Indrawan, SE, shared insights on MMC Hospital’s financial and managerial accounting practices in addressing the trilogy of service access, service quality, and costs.
The final session was delivered by Yulis Quarti, SE, Akt., M.Si, who discussed Dr. Kariadi General Hospital’s experience as a Public Service Agency (BLU) in financial management and managerial accounting to address the trilogy of service access, quality, and costs.
Following the presentations, a discussion session was led by Puji Harto, SE, Akt., M.Si, Ph.D., a faculty member from the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Diponegoro University.
In her closing remarks, Dr. Dra. Chriswardani Suryawati, M.Kes, the Head of the Master of Public Health Program at FKM Undip, expressed her appreciation to all participants, speakers, and the organizing committee for successfully conducting the webinar.