“Alumi Teaching: Organization & Management of the Kudus District Health Office”
by: dr. Andini Aridewi, M.Kes.

SEMARANG – Saturday, 23/04/2022 Master of Public Health Study Program, FKM UNDIP has held a “Virtual Field Lecture with the topic of alumni teaching: Organization & Management of the Kudus District Health Office. The activity was held online using a zoom meeting and was attended by around 75 people, consisting of MKM Masters students, FKM undergraduates, several Undip FKM lecturers and participants outside Undip. The material was delivered by dr. Andini Aridewi, M.Kes. from the PLh Head of the Kudus District Health Office.

The event began with an opening by the Head of the Master of Public Health Study Program, FKM Undip, Dr. Dra. Chriswardani Suryawati, M.Kes He expressed his gratitude and welcome to dr. Andini Aridewi, M.Kes for her willingness and presence as a resource person and furthermore she hopes that the material presented can be useful for participants in today’s virtual field lecture.

In his lecture presentation, dr. Andini discussed the profile of the Kudus District Health Office, then also explained the organization and management of the Kudus District Health Office. At the end of the lecture session, it was closed by the Head of the Master of Public Health Study Program, FKM Undip, Dr. Dra. Chriswardani Suryawati, M.Kes. He expressed his gratitude to the resource persons because the material presented was very useful not only for students of the Master of Public Health study program but also for lecturers.