Tembalang Semarang. Wednesday, 8/11/2023. Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are still a major public health problem in Indonesia. The trend of NCD cases begins to increase in adolescence. Considering that NCDs are chronic, if more and more teenagers suffer from NCDs, this will have a significant impact on population productivity and the burden of health costs for NCD treatment in the future.

Monitoring PTM risk factors can be done independently by utilizing the PTM Mandiri Monitoring (MM PTM) application. The application was developed by Dr. Cahya Tri Purnami, SKM, MKes, Dra. Atik Mawarni, MKes, and Dion Zein Nuridzin, SKM, MKM from the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University.

Application socialization was carried out among 57 Diponegoro University students representing health and non-health study programs. Socialization activities were carried out through the stages of conveying how to install, how to use the application and Focus Group Discussion-FGD about PTM. The activity ended with the practice of independently assessing PTM risk using the MM PTM application that has been installed on a cellphone, especially for monitoring body mass index status and stress levels independently.