The Master’s Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, held a meeting with the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Kajen in Pekalongan Regency on Friday, October 13, 2023. This meeting was part of a roadshow aimed at increasing new student admissions. The meeting was also attended by RSUD Kajen’s Director, Dr. Imam Prasetyo, M.Kes, along with the medical team from RSUD Kajen. Dr. Imam Prasetyo, M.Kes, expressed that the roadshow conducted by the Master’s Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, is expected to foster relationships and provide motivation to all doctors at RSUD Kajen to advance their academic careers. Meanwhile, the Head of the Master’s Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Dr. Dra. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes, stated that this roadshow represents a tangible step taken to strengthen ties and is a follow-up to the cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Public Health at Diponegoro University and the Pekalongan Regency Health Office to enhance human resources within the Pekalongan Regency Health Office