On Thursday, September 14, 2023, the Master of Public Health Program at the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), organized a guest lecture session with the topic “Implementation Science: Bridging Health Research Results with Evidence-Based Policies and Programs.” The event was conducted online using a Zoom meeting platform and was attended by approximately 55 individuals. Additionally, 90 students participated in person at Room D, R.202 of the Faculty of Public Health building at UNDIP. The participants included undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students from the Faculty of Public Health, as well as several faculty members and participants from outside Universitas Diponegoro.The lecture was delivered by Prof. dr. Pande Putu J., M.Kes., Dr.PH from the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Udayana. The event commenced with an opening statement by the Chair of the Master of Public Health Program at FKM UNDIP, Dr. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes. She expressed gratitude and welcomed Prof. dr. Pande Putu J., M.Kes., Dr.PH as the guest lecturer. She hoped that the lecture content would be beneficial to the visiting lecturer participants. The event was then moderated by Dr. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes. During the lecture, Prof. dr. Pande Putu J., M.Kes., Dr.PH discussed the journey from scientific evidence to policies and programs, highlighting the recent availability of scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis). He emphasized the importance of not neglecting implementation challenges, as they can have both human and financial costs.In the concluding session of the lecture, Dr. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes, expressed her gratitude to the guest lecturer for delivering such valuable content, emphasizing that it was not only beneficial to the Master of Public Health Program students but also to other faculty members and students at Universitas Diponegoro.