On Thursday, August 31, 2023, the Master of Public Health Program at the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, held a guest lecture on the topic of ‘The Effects of Climate Change on Health and Nutrition.’ The event took place in person with 31 attendees and virtually via a Zoom meeting, with approximately 100 participants, including undergraduate and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Public Health, several faculty members, and participants from outside Diponegoro University. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Elena N. Naumova from Tufts University, Boston, USA.

The event commenced with an opening address by Dr. Budiyono, S.KM., M.Kes, the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health at Diponegoro University. He expressed his gratitude and welcomed Prof. Elena N. Naumova for her willingness to participate as a guest lecturer. He further hoped that the material presented would be beneficial to the participants of the visiting professor lecture. During her lecture, Prof. Elena N. Naumova discussed ‘The Effects of Climate Change on Health and Nutrition.’ In the concluding session of the lecture, Dr. Dra. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes, the Chair of the Master of Public Health Program at the Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, extended her gratitude to the speaker for the highly beneficial content, not only for the Master of Public Health students but also for other faculty members and students.