On Monday, August 7, 2023, a coordination meeting was held in preparation for the Odd Semester 2023/2024 academic year of the Master’s Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University. Strict health protocols were observed during this activity. The purpose of this event was not only to foster camaraderie among course instructors but also to coordinate and discuss preparations before the Odd Semester of 2023/2024, which is scheduled to commence on Thursday, August 24, 2023.

The event commenced with a welcoming address by the Chair of the Master’s Program in Public Health, FKM Undip, Dr. Dra. Ayun Sriatmi, M.Kes. She expressed gratitude and welcomed all the course instructors for the even semester of 2022/2023 for their willingness and presence. She then presented the proposed course schedule along with the teaching team and requested input from each course instructor regarding any changes or whether the plan remained consistent with the previous year.

Subsequently, the Secretary of the Program, Dr. Cahya Tri Purnami, presented the review of the semester’s learning plan (RPS). She emphasized the importance of incorporating material about project cases/case studies to ensure that the course content delivered in the even semester remains updated and reflects advancements in knowledge. Dr. Ayun then continued to discuss the outcome of the coordination meeting with the faculty regarding the composition of extraordinary instructors, stating that a maximum of 10% of the total instructors should be from outside the faculty. Therefore, the Master’s Program in Public Health must gradually design the composition of extraordinary instructors to ensure that they make up only 10% of the total instructors in the program.

The final session of the coordination meeting was concluded by the Program Chair, who expressed heartfelt gratitude for the input and suggestions shared during the meeting. The Chair expressed hope that the activities of the Odd Semester 2023/2024 academic year would proceed smoothly