SEMARANG – Friday, 19/05/2023 The Master’s Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health at Diponegoro University (UNDIP), conducted a monitoring and evaluation activity for the theses of the 2021 batch. The activity took place offline, specifically in Room R.211, Building D, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Public Health, UNDIP, and was attended by 50 students from the 2021 batch who had not graduated yet. The monitoring and evaluation activity aimed to provide the program administrators with insights into the progress of each student’s thesis in each batch, enabling them to take appropriate actions for each student. Furthermore, it was one of the strategies employed by the program administrators to improve the average graduation rate of the program. The event began with an opening speech by Dr. Budiyono, S.KM., M.Kes, the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health at Diponegoro University. Subsequently, the program coordinator offered suggestions and solutions to the challenges faced by students in relation to their theses. At the end of the activity, the program coordinator expressed hope that students would be able to complete their theses quickly, thus shortening the average graduation time for the program.