May we return to our natural state and achieve victory, as well as continue to enhance our good deeds in the upcoming year. The Alumni Association of Diponegoro University’s Hospital Administration Program (IKA ARS Undip) is advancing further to provide the greatest possible benefits to the academic community of the Faculty of Health Sciences of Diponegoro University, as well as to its alumni and the general public,” said Dr. Budiyono, SKM., M.Kes., the mentor of IKA ARS Undip, during the virtual Halal Bi Halal event of Diponegoro University Alumni Association (Thursday, May 11th).

Prof. Dr. H. Musahadi, M.Ag, a Professor at UIN Walisongo, was present as a speaker. According to Prof. Musahadi, COVID-19 is invisible and spreads rapidly, causing many people to disbelieve its existence. However, we must remain vigilant and protect one another by implementing health protocols to break the chain of transmission.

“The wisdom behind this pandemic is to bring us closer to Allah. Perhaps before, we were occupied with numerous activities. Amidst the pandemic, the medical team has tirelessly worked to ensure the safety of patients, which undoubtedly adds to their good deeds,” he said.