Semarang – Monday, 08/05/2023. The Master’s Program in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University (MKM FKM UNDIP) has conducted a thesis defense examination on behalf of Eka Kristia Ayu Astuti. The title of the thesis was “Analysis of Waiting Time for Outpatient BPJS Patients Prescription Service at the Pharmacy Installation of X Private Hospital in Kendal Regency.” In this examination, Dr. Dra. Ayun Sriatmi M.Kes. served as the Chair of the Examiner, and the members of the examiner consisted of Farid Agushybana S.KM., DEA., Ph.D, Dr. Ir. Martini M.Kes., Dr. Cahya Tri Purnami S.KM., M.Kes